And it will achieve it only by it’s people feeling that they are WORTHWHILE.

This is what it feels like to me in the UK:

Cameron, Osborne and their partners and friends drive around in their his and hers luxury cars and live a life of luxury while they pursue policies that seem to be resulting in many families struggling to feed and clothe their children and old people dying of cold because they can’t afford to use their heating.

We seem to have been transformed from a first world nation into a developing nation during the life of one Government. Whilst the last lot were not by any means perfect the people, particularly the vulnerable and the disabled were being better looked after.

So why has this happened? To satisfy the greed of the bankers and global investors who do not give a damn about any Country once they have squeezed the last drop of profit out of each one in turn. The global recession (caused by bankers elsewhere) has been used to drive down private sector costs like paying decent wages and at the same time because of low wages the tax payer is being expected to subsidise this with in-work benefits! Holding the interest rates down has also destroyed the benefits of saving whilst costs, including private rents have been going through the roof.

Believe you me, greed is the biggest threat we all face and sadly the private sector seems to me to be out of control. I am all for free enterprise but things are getting out of hand.

For people to feel worthwhile they have to be valued. This Government treats everyone but the rich with contempt so a sense of worth will be hard to find amongst many ordinary people.

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